Ah Mark,

In answer to your question:

From a military POV I am more interested in what action was taken against the commander, his officers and men after this incident. It is at times like these that one laments the fact that capital punishment has gone out of fashion in Europe.
I hope you're not in too serious a mood:

Following negotiations between UN and Bosnian Serbs, on Friday, July 21st, 1995, lieutenant-colonel Karremans and Dutch UN soldiers were allowed to leave Srebrenica. On the farewell, Colonel Karremans accepted gifts from General Mladić, smiled, shook his hand and departed. Shortly after his return to The Netherlands Karremans was promoted to full colonel.
Wiki bio of Karremans. In 2010, a complaint was filed by Bosnian Muslims vs Karremans et al, Aangifte genocide tegen Karremans (I expect you handle Dutch better than I).

I ran into this story last nite.

