Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Exactly what message is that?
Let me expand on this...

It is claimed that the reported attack (of sorts) on a Shabab target in Baraawe has sent a signal to "them" that they won't forget.

Even (that opportunist) John Kerry has used the term (in a slightly different context).

Firstly (like after 9/11) the victims side are happy (at a most basic human level) that 'they' (the perps) are receiving payback. Understandable.

It was this primitive instinct that drove the post 9/11 rush to action (however misguided). A pity.

So often these emotionally driven knee jerk reactions do not have desired outcome. Nuff said.

Then often what the US and others carrying out the counter strike fail to factor in is what actual message is sent to the perpetrators - as opposed to the "that will teach them" after action feel good feeling among those who carried out the raid/response/etc.

Not to beat around the bush... I wonder if there are more than a handful (less than a dozen) in the US military that understand what action will send the right message to the African mind?

This almost certainly is not what non-Africans would consider 'the right message'.

In the case of Somalia IMHO the wrong messages have been consistently sent.

From the impotent response to Somali piracy to the use of inept proxy military forces (Kenya and Uganda) the message that has been sent has been a 'weak' one.

Don't take my word for it... speak to an African. Not an Uncle Tom who will tell you what he thinks you want to hear. Caution: you might not like what you hear.