
Well, that would explain nearly 93 million dollars in assistance in 2013 ?

You may not as an "educated middle class Nigerian" depend on that assistance, but, seems somebody does.

We are also about to fund EOD assistance to your military and law enforcement to better counter IEDs and the bomb makers. That, I assure you, your country needs.

It's not a slight, you have been receiving assistance for decades and I, as an American taxpayer see no use in spending 100 million on a boondoggle when that same amount of money can otherwise fund worthwhile projects that produce results. We know that, we've done that, and we have evidence that it works.

What exactly does a presidential visit do to increase awareness, decrease death, etc. ? Sorry, said visits are a waste of money and jet fuel.

Regards, Stan
Nigeria's Federal Budget is about $32 billion, the average state budget (we have 36 states) is about $1 billion. I'm sorry to say this, but $93 million dollars isn't very much money compared to those sums - & if US should stop all (or most of is assistance to Nigeria), Nigeria will not collapse.

This was exactly the same argument the Brits and the Indians had, & British are winding down on their aid commitments to India - & there's very little impact on India.

How many Nigerians depend on US aid? Poor, middle class or wealthy?

In fact, aid can be counter productive as Dambisa Moyo eloquently argued in Dead Aid, it doesn't always build local capacity nor does it promote accountability.

We both agree, Africa is too insignificant to warrant a visit from the US president. Since the Chinese, Russian & Brazilian leaders (and taxpayers) haven't voiced their opposition to funding boondoggles in Africa - let them come to Africa, if they bring business that can help me feed my children, well and good.