
It is important that you have some readings from outside the USA, on how the world looks at you - which has greatly changed since 9/11.

So a couple of websites I watch:

a) The Australian Lowy Institute's blog:

b) Open Democracy (UK-based, with Europeans) has a global security column:

c) Within OD are Paul Rogers slightly off-centre critiques of US & Western security policy, called 'A report from the South Waziristan Institute of Strategic Hermeneutics' (SWISH) and the latest is:

d) IISS, although global has a strong Anglo-US-EU viewpoint and its regular Strategic Comments are short and sharp:

Prepared to seek contrary viewpoints try Caged Prisoners, the (MB influenced) Cordoba Foundation and some of the radical left US groups.

I assume you have picked up the debates here that much of US action abroad is without a strategy and is IMHO effectively gaining time for other non-military action and responses. All at a price and risk that the intended effect simply does not happen, e.g. Yemen.