Ron Patterson started his own website prior to the closing of The Oil Drum, where Ron was one of the mainstay contributors. His postings were detailed and always sourced from EIA, BP, IEA, etc.

Dave Hughes is a veteran geoscientist, now retired from the Geological Survey of Canada where he was a leading analyst re. coal and unconventional gas. He is also a meticulous researcher who is careful in his assertions.

In yesterday's posting, Ron uses Dave's forecast re. US light tight oil (LTO) to conclude that the global peak in oil production will occur "no later than 2015." Ron is not prone to making predictions (he usually simply posts the data and offers his analysis) so I'm not sure what prompted him to do so this time.

In any event, Ron's prediction is quite in line with what the Joint Operating Environment said in 2008 (and again in 2010).