
I don't think Mr. Bharara is making any judgments about the US vs the world in the justice dept. I think he is making a specific judgment about how his victim will be treated in India. For better or worse, good info or bad, he wants to get her and her family out of there, so he did. It's his call. We don't know what threat he thought they faced but I would note that this case pits a person of high status whom I'll bet is politically connected against a domestic servant.

I don't know if Americans with Indian origins act like that. I've known a number of them and they seem pretty average to me. High achievers but average in their political views.

Madhu cautions about saying the bulk of Indians are upset about this. Maybe they are. But I figure the bulk of the Indians are closer to Ms. Richard in status than they are to the diplomat so maybe they ain't so upset. The chattering classes are upset is appears though.

The thing you have to remember is from the American point of view, this has nothing to do with the country of India or the dignity thereof. It has to do with an arrogant individual who was throwing her weight around and picking on somebody who was weaker. Not only that she was doing it in violation of American law in the US. This is a 'Who the hell do you think you are?' thing directed at an individual. If people in India are figuring it is directed at India, they are wrong. And if she is given special treatment for her individual actions because she is perceive as a reification of India, then she is gaming the system.