Dr Omar Ashour, Exeter University, always gives a valuable insight into his home country and this time seeks to answer:
what explains the decision to stage a coup and the repressive follow-up? Political science can offer a few explanations.
Just in case you forgot or preferred to not know:
in the post-coup environment, the levels of repression and bloodshed are unprecedented in its modern history.

The number of victims killed by security forces in less than 7 hours on August 14 in Raba al-Adawiyya and al-Nahda Squares exceeds the number of victims of Muammar al-Qaddafi's two-day massacre in Abu Selim Prison in June 1996 (1269 victims), and Napoleon's massacre in the process of storming al-Azhar Mosque in 1799 (around 600 deaths). The Abu Zaabal massacre [Ar] in which 38 anti-coup political prisoners were killed inside a prison transport van, exceeded the number of victims of a 1957 massacre committed by Nasser's security forces in Tora prison.

As others have asked - will Egypt follow the Algerian way?