Changing the Game? : Emissions and Market Implications of New Natural Gas Supplies is a lecture by Hillard Huntington from the Energy Modeling Forum.

Hillard Huntington discusses a study that evaluates the channels through which shale formations and new natural gas supplies can change energy, economic and environmental opportunities within North America. He concludes that continued shale gas development within North America is likely to have more sweeping impacts on future energy prices than on the economy or the environment*.
Perhaps the most important graphic was one showing the minuscle percentage of jobs added as a result of the big boom and its minor impact on the GDP. This should of course come to no surprise to people informed about the general makeup of developed economy but it was still impressive to see. Compare that with the response in the media and the 'feeling' of a student who asked about it.

The regional price level of natural gas and the costs of transport were also nice.

*He focused on climate change and the respective emissions. The local impact was not discussed.