Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
Gian can defend himself - my only comment is that he read both of Galula's books (unlike some other Galula critics) and only then delivered his opinion - albeit, not what I'd say about Galula (which agrees with your comment re: his pre-Algeria and post-Algeria experiences).

But then, I've followed up Galula's two books with Galula: The Life and Writings of the French Officer Who Defined the Art of Counterinsurgency; and Galula in Algeria: Counterinsurgency Practice versus Theory; as well as some articles in French - e.g., DAVID GALULA: “LE CLAUSEWITZ DE LA CONTRE-INSURRECTION”.

Depends on how much of an Info-Sponge one becomes.


Very good Sponge-Mike... impressed.

Lets hope the sponge thing will go viral...

Then let's follow up with the bag of golf clubs analogy.

14 clubs allowed in a bag... that means we can allow 14 references in the bag of soldiers trying to understand insurgencies and counterinsurgent 'methods' (used to include policy, strategy and tactics)

So the task is to list 14 references/books/etc which should be continually studied (not just read and then discarded) which will provide young officers a solid foundation of understanding in respect of counter-insurgency.

I get first shot and nominate:

1) The Art of Counter-Revolutionary War - John J McCuen.
2) ...
3) ...

(PS: if anyone knows the heirs to the McCuen estate please prevail on them to get a reprint and a Kindle version as Amazon prices of $150 is outrageous.)