Exactly. Right up to the extremely disgusting (full of Sierra) end where the link for General Sir Michael Rose states

General Sir Michael Rose, who commanded UN forces in Bosnia, urged the U.S. and its allies to "admit defeat" and stop fighting "a hopeless war" in Iraq, according to the BBC's Newsnight program.

Sir Michael also said it was time for foreign troops to leave Iraq and go back home.

"It is the soldiers who have been telling me from the frontline that the war they have been fighting is a hopeless war, that they cannot possibly win it and the sooner we start talking politics and not military solutions, the sooner they will come home and their lives will be preserved."

Asked if that meant admitting defeat, the general replied: "Of course we have to admit defeat. The British admitted defeat in North America and the catastrophes that were predicted at the time never happened.”

"The catastrophes that were predicted after Vietnam never happened. The same thing will occur after we leave Iraq," he added.
It is a medical issue here