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Thread: China's Far West provinces (inc. Tibet)

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  1. #27
    Council Member Firn's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I think the core issues have already been mentioned in the first two pages in this thread by tequila and ja6345a. The Chinese leadership has employed massive amounts of investments to ease access to the regions population and ressources and settle Han Chinese in it's cities to assimilate and control the locals. Armed violence against such rather overt policies should not be surprising.

    Let's just look at the public investement per capita and it's relative share compared to the private sector. We have no good numbers but all what I have read indicates that public pie dwarfes even the Chinese national one. Practically almost all the economy is controlled by the state and to a lesser degree private Han Chinese. It should be no surprise as the locals will have a very low chance to get a credit or work. Almost all the public jobs seem to be occupied by Han Chinese. I would not surprise me if both regions had one of the highest amount of security forces per capita, needless to say mostly Han.

    Altstadtgassen weichen geraden Straen die lassen sich besser berwachen

    Die Beamten eilen durch die Altstadt, Grtel auf Bauchnabelhhe, Lederschuhe im Staub. Sie sind gekommen, den Abriss zu besichtigen. Einer der Beamten hebt, zwischen Ruinen stehend, zu einer Rede an: "Das Abrisstempo ist hoch, doch es muss noch hher werden. Je schneller wir abreien, desto besser." Der Beamte betet Zahlen herunter: abgerissene Huser, im Abriss befindliche Huser, abzureiende Huser. "Unser Tempo und unsere Begeisterung sind gewachsen. Wir werden den Plan erfllen!"
    If you read such an other stuff you can only get the impression that the Chinese are vastly overinvesting to create work for Han. Some of it might even have some sense in it's own sake, but it mostly points one way.

    The Han inflow is especially large if we take into account that the huge migration flow of the last decades went to the coastal regions, for obvious reason. There is hardly any private sector with attractive jobs in the far West, as the labour-intensive industries are far from any cluster and face large transport costs compared to their competitors in the East. With the often razor-thin margins in that sort of business they are just priced out of the market. Knowledge-intensive industries are obviously completely out of question. Only the big subventions or threats it is possible to get big companies to invest there. I'm a shareholder of VW and followed it's strategy in China:

    "Wenn man irgendwo als erster produziert, muss man sich vielen Herausforderungen stellen", sagte der Sprecher. Bislang seien das Presswerk und die Lackiererei noch nicht fertig. Die Provinzregierung kmmere sich um die Logistik. VW habe auch in anderen Regionen Chinas eine Vorreiterrolle bernommen, und in wenigen Jahren werde auch niemand mehr an dem Werk in Westchina zweifeln.

    Die "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" hatte berichtet, VW habe Schwierigkeiten in Xinjiang offenbar unterschtzt und auf Probleme bei Lieferanten, Personal und Logistik verwiesen.

    Chinas Regierung ruft seit einigen Jahren chinesische und auslndische Firmen auf, sich strker im Westen des Landes zu engagieren. Das von der muslimischen Minderheit der Uiguren bewohnte Xinjiang gilt seit Langem als Unruhegebiet. In den vergangenen Monaten gab es wieder blutige Zwischenflle. Die chinesische Regierung wirft uigurischen Gruppen separatistische Bestrebungen und Terrorakte vor. Das Turkvolk fhlt sich durch die chinesische Fremdherrschaft politisch, religis und auch wirtschaftlich unterdrckt.
    Clearly the company man does his job and talks how attractive it is but it is pretty much a small plant to show good will. I would love to see the flow of parts, I'm sure most comes in a highly efficient manner from high-quality regional suppliers.
    Last edited by Firn; 02-15-2014 at 06:47 PM.
    ... "We need officers capable of following systematically the path of logical argument to its conclusion, with disciplined intellect, strong in character and nerve to execute what the intellect dictates"

    General Ludwig Beck (1880-1944);
    Speech at the Kriegsakademie, 1935

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