I think the article does a good job at pointing out the factors which unite the country instead those, often stressed recently, which divide it. As I wrote before nobody can predict the future, but there is a good chances that Ukraine might follow the path most other countries to the north and west already undertook with good sucess. It won't be an easy ride as the road is very bumpy. Helping the financially starved, economically weak and politically fragile state properly should increase it's odds greatly.

I just hope that the EU does not make the error of comitting too little and to be too weak against a relatively weak Russia which overplayed it's hand. An EU membership is obviously far far away but why should the Ukraine, an doubtlessy European nation be automatically excluded? Because a large percentage of it's citiziens speak Russian?* Because the current Russian strongman wants to keep it under his thumb?

*It would of course not be the first one.