Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
He may have learned a little, as there's no specific red line or "we will not tolerate" statement here.
Look, I appreciate you are lonely out there in the boonies but I am not well disposed to entertain you now it looks as if CrowBat has put you in your place in the syrian thread.

The 'red-line' here is:

"The United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine."
That line has been crossed so now we wait to see what these costs will be.

It doesn't look like a warning at all, just a generalized statement of disapproval, much like those the Russians and Chinese issue every time the US is shaping up to intervene somewhere. Those aren't meant or expected to change anyone's course of action, just to declare a position.
Yes, in this case the message to Russia - and the rest of the world - is that whatever the Russians do the US will do nothing.

Of course he's not quaking in his boots, any more than Bush was when the Russians and Chinese disapproved of intervention in Iraq or Obama was when the Russians and Chinese disapproved of intervention in Libya. Statements like that aren't meant to scare anyone, and nobody would expect them to scare anyone.
OK now you are an expert on international affairs.

Think what message it sends to the rest of the world ...

... OK enough ... go find someone else to play with.