Outlaw 09 over at the Blog is doing a bang up job on this situation in the comments section of Nato Needs to Move Now on Crimea article. Between him and Firn it is like having your own intel squad without having to pay them.

Below are a list of Outlaw's suggestions of things that can be done, Right Now, to pressure Russia. They are mostly economic steps and they seem quite doable and effective. They get their power from the fact that Russia's economy is weak and can be got to.

"Step 1:
HAS anyone ever seen on any given day the amount of Russian truck traffic on the German A10 highway coming out of the Russian economy via Poland that is so dependent on EU trading? Thousands per month---NOW stop the traffic-- in fact the Ukraine as well as Poland can stop the traffic and see what the reaction will be---immediate!

The Russian economy is spiraling downward, they need foreign investment and many foreign companies are in fact leaving, and the Rubel is sinking---Russia itself is struggling economically so use the economic weapons available.

Step 2: Stop the next G8 meeting and institute a removal of Russia as they had for years fought to get in---so make it now painful to continue in the "Club". Go to the WTO and file charges for manipulating their gas prices via Gazpom to gain undue economic advantages.

Step 3. Enforce a total economic freeze on all Russian oligarch accounts outside of Russia for the entire length of time Russian remains inside the Ukraine---in fact the recent actions to freeze accounts of proRussian Ukraine oligarchs in Eastern Ukraine by Austria and Switzerland and rumored the UK was a shock wave that is now causing some of them to turn "moderate" in their comments. Watch the reaction by the oligrachs-immediate! Institute travel/visa restrictions on all Russian citizens worldwide.

Step 4. Place every Russian naval vessel that leaves the Black Sea under nearby constant surveillance and start patrolling outside territorial limits for the length of the Russian stay in Ukrainian territory.

Step 5. Review of all Russian commercial flights into and out of the EU and the US/Canada---then reduce them for the length of time the Russians remain inside the Ukraine.

Step 6. A constant calling in and discussing the issue with the Russian ambassadors stationed in EU/NATO/US countries.

Step 7. Curtail the blossoming military to military meetings between the US Army and Russian Army.

Step 8. Call for the former Ukrainian President to be arrested for murder of civilians and the theft of over 70B from the Ukrainian people."