After having ticked off the financial impact and the economic troubles it is time to look at the behaviour of the Ukrainian forces.

Ukraine navy officers reject plea to defect to Russian-backed Crimea

The officers broke into applause as Haiduk read them an order from Kiev removing Berezovsky from his position, and told them that Berezovsky was facing treason charges. When Haiduk had finished his dry but compelling address, the officers spontaneously broke into the national anthem, and some were seen to cry. Berezovsky showed no visible sign of emotion.

"I know my men will stay loyal to their oaths," Haiduk said before the address. "What Berezovsky has done is a matter for him alone. When he brought intruders in here, we did not offer armed resistance as would have been our right, in order to avoid any provocations the other side would like."

Officers at the HQ said Berezovsky had committed treachery twice – the first time when he broke his oath, and the second time on Monday morning when he requested permission to enter the headquarters and let several Russian special forces officers slip in behind him.
I mentioned before that now after the confusion and surprise have ended it will be much harder to convince the remaining Ukrainian forces of the Crimea to defect by words alone.

Ukrainian BMP rolling east from the Odessa region.

Not everybody is understandably happy about those movements, there is also a considerable number of Russian speakers in the region. This doesn't mean that there were no Ukrainian speakers there to voice their opinion. Most of the peaceful protesters were old, note the red flag. The tiny barricade was removed within 5 minutes.

The young men jumping up and standing on the movers are clearly joining up. Note the blue armbinds.