
It is good to have a mouthpiece for the siloviki around here. From you we can learn their view of the world and how they want to present themselves to the world. So far we have learned the following.

1. Putin is viewed as a king, not an elected official who will serve a term of office and go, but a king.

2. Putin is worth 40 billion dollars but he is one with the people and is struggling against the oligarchs.

3. Vlad is "kinda beloved leader."

4. Beatings of the right people are quite funny.

5. Stalin is irrelevant to the subject. (Tell that to the east and central Europeans who still remember things like the Katyn Forest and the intentional starvation of millions in the Ukraine.)

6. Getting gobbled up by the bear just improved the lot of the people of the Crimea because they no longer have to be part of the lousy Ukrainian economy and have bad Ukrainian leadership, they get to be part of the Russian economy and have the good leadership of king Vlad.

Keep 'em coming Mirhond. We learn a lot.