No, I don't want to hear your reasons why the Entire West (to include the US) "should - urgently - 'do something' about Syria." If you are convinced that the boys and girls of "Haxbach, Schnurliland" should march off to Syria - and if you have the votes - so be it; off to Syria, you can send them and they will march.

From your statement in your post, you were similarly convinced that the boys and girls of "Haxbach, Schnurliland" should march off to the "former Yugoslavia as of, say, 1993-1994" - and you had the vote of Bill Clinton and his NSC to join your march. At that time, I was (and am still) convinced that the boys and girls of Hancock, Michigan should not march off to the "former Yugoslavia"; but I and every other citizen of the US sent them there once the WH decision was made.

At the present time, I'm convinced that the boys and girls of Hancock, Michigan should not march off to Syria; and it seems for now that enough votes exist to prevent that - although the lessons of unilateral presidential action, taught us by Bill Clinton, should loom large in the eyes of every American citizen. The switch can be flipped by any American president, without him or her being "forced" - and without seeking a vote in Congress (much less from the US people - the political elite rule, we drool - at least in their eyes).

I'm not telling the people of "Haxbach, Schnurliland" what they should or should not do with respect to the "Former Yugosalvia", Syria, Iran, ad infinitum. Hell, I'm just a little retired guy who lives in Hancock, Michigan. Nuff said; and much more than I intended - I probably should have signed off after the first sentence.

