Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
That is I decided to return to my roots. What a COG is...is pretty worthless IMO as nobody ever agrees on what it is. IMO it is better to go with the idea of PEOPLE cause crimes and they cause wars, don't worry about the stuff involved, it is the folks that control it you need to worry about.

Which leads us to the money or rather who controls the money as the root problem. Kerry is the ultimate 1 per-center and an avowed globalist. Putin with his paltry few billions is nothing compared to the personal history of Kerry, plus Putin is from the peasant class compared to Kerry with his long pedigree to include his wife which is literally a Heinz 57, the ultimate Internationalist.

So this is Kerry and his Banker supported Real Estate Swindle vs. Putin and his KGB street fighters. Don't know WHO (not what) will win.
I don't agree with the terms but I agree with the sentiment. This is a battle of wills between the neoliberal Washington Concensus and the nationalist-realist faction currently in power in Moscow. The control of Ukraine represents $$$ for both sides, with the Ukrianian activists of all political stripes caught in the middle.