Mike, these Russian citizens living in Ukraine, are they Russian expats or Ukrainians of Russian origin?

I have heard that the Russians are dishing out passports to prove these people are Russian citizens? This to justify their invasion.

If this is so then you can't be a Russian or a Ukrainian at the same time... if dual citizenship is allowed then the national parliament can - quickly - push a new law through making it impossible for Russian citizens and passport holders to also be citizens of the Ukraine.

Russian citizens would then be required to apply for residence permits and work permits to live and work in the Ukraine. Pretty standard requirements for citizens of another country.

Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
For an oldster, it's comforting to see that some aspects of days gone by continue. One can still find TASS, Pravda and Izvestia. For my next round of comfort food, I'll try to find Cracker Jacks with prizes inside while listening to Moon River.

But, in the meantime, duty calls; and I will footnote an IL note. A prior post briefly noted Ashley Weeks' summary of why Russia's actions were illegal under IL. In her column yesterday, she posted the Russian response (albeit by a German, Stefan Soesanto - at very bottom of CSIS Kelly bios).


Again, it's comforting to see that the Cheka's IL department is still alive and well after all of those years.

