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Thread: Ukraine (closed; covers till August 2014)

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  1. #11
    Council Member mirhond's Avatar
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    Jan 2012


    @OUTLAW 09

    mirhond---noticed you failed to answer point four of my previous response after you yourself listed the quoted article concerning the attacked Jewish Ukrainian.

    So again who was behind the attack on the individual ---Russian speaking Ukrainians, Russian speaking Russian Ukrainians or actual Russia speaking Russians from Russia? From what you posted one would think that you are Ukrainian proRussian or even live in Russia.
    You don't pay too much attention while reading, do you?
    here is my answer from previous post

    4. I don't know and I don't care.
    Secondly, you are right you have truly multiple personalities so which is your actual persona when you write
    Aww, another admirer of my magnificient multyperson, how sweet!

    Why---you failed to ask me to show you a very specific lanced KGB/FSB article from yesterday which is a perfect depiction of their I/O operations that are currently going on in support of Putin.
    Why should I ask? I owe you nothing. But if you insist, OK, please give me a link on your article.

    Thirdly--you actually have no arguments to attack that I can see from the rambling comments and photos.
    Really? Not even a single argument? Well, I think now its a Straw Man Fallacy, but OK, I'll do your job again:
    So, Putin just spared two million people from civil war?
    You may try to falsify this argument, for instance.

    Lastly, when you list photos it does help to have the date/time stamp on the photo itself because from the world I come from without that the photo is propaganda and says nothing---nothing more nothing less. By the way red arm bands can be worn by Ukrainians, Russian Ukrainians and yes even the KGB so your comment means nothing.
    Guys on the photo wear armbands of "Right Sector" - now legal Sturmabteilung.
    You have had a traumatic experience with KGB, I suppose. Tough luck and pity that you still bear this burden. Can't help you with imaginary KGB agents stalking you everewhere.

    -you failed to answer my question on the use of the term Nazi by the SU Communist Party, KGB/FSB/GRU and Putin as it seems to me to be still alive and well all these years after Stalin's death.
    Careless reading again?
    here is my answer from previous post
    you have to show how KGB/FSB/Putin is connected to fear of Nazis. I personally kinda nervous about the whole concept of Nazism because I've learned from history that these guys surely wont give me, Slavic Untermensch, a candy. Well, if you blame KGB/FSB/Putin for my petty fear - you are far far away from truth.
    Of newly prominent movements like the paramilitary Right Sector, active in fighting police last month, he said: "I make a distinction between nationalism and Nazism. With nationalism, you love your own people. Nazism is when you hate others.
    O, sancta simplicitas! You belive everything these Sturmabteilung-wannabe say? OK, Right Sector is eclectic and not fiercely nationalistic, but they are not alone, there is Nazi-wannabe "Svoboda" running around. Lets make a glance at theirs documents

    Націоналізм як політична ідеологія означає вищу цінність нації як вічної кровно-духовної спільноти. Сьогодні український націоналізм постає у формі соціального націоналізму та ставить собі за мету соціальну та національну революцію в Україні, докорінну зміну політичного, економічного, етичного ладу. Соціал-націоналізм вимагає демонтажу ліберального режиму антинаціональної окупації, ліквідації олігархічного капіталізму, знищення етичної системи антинародного егоїзму та декадансу. Натомість соціал-націоналізм збудує націократичний політичний режим, соціально-справедливу та підпорядковану волі нації економіку, а також запровадить нову революційну націоналістичну етику.
    Translation: I apologise in advance for for inconveniences

    Nationalism as political ideology means the utmost value of the nation as eternal cohesion in blood and spirit. Current Ukrainian nationalism is a form of social nationalism and it's goal is a national revolution in Ukraine and complete transformation of political, economic and ethic fabric of society.
    Social nationalism means deconstruction of antinational liberal occupational regime, elimination of oligarchical capitalism and cessation of antinational ethical egoism and decadance. Instead, social nationalism will bring nation-oriented political regime, just and controlled economy andnew revolutionary nationalistic ethic.
    Sounds familiar, isn't it? Well, you may say I'am playing a Hitler Card, yes I do, but in this case its not a fallacy.

    There are TONS of food there, but I'am exausted. Take the trouble of finding it yourself.


    I asked the same poster twice for sources and arguments to make his case but he didn't deliver.
    If you explain what case exactly I must deliver, I'll try.
    If you want me to bring MOAR bull$it from Russian media for you to righteuosly squish it - I'll not do that.
    If you want some alternative opinion from Russian and Ukrainian-speaking sources - I can do that, but think twice whether you really want it.

    upd. Another video with kawaii Hitlerjugend from Western Ukraine.

    Translation from 2:12

    "One Language, one Nation, one Fatherland - this is Ukraine!" "Hang the Muscowite!"

    Again sounds familliar? "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer" well, they have no decent Furher yet, but as i've said before, give them some time and money and they'll not dissapoint you.
    Last edited by mirhond; 03-16-2014 at 05:32 PM.

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