Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
Given the direction the investigation is going, I would not be surprised to see less and less information emerging.
Information is being managed, but I am more and more of the belief that it's being managed because the Malaysians don't have much experience in dealing with the media and are holding onto information in order to have something useful to say every day or two. We already know exactly how apparently insane the media becomes when left to their imaginations. I've heard everything from remote control by iphone app to night time formation flying over mainland China. Even Rupert Murdoch has said something like 'it's in NW Pakistan for future use, hidden like Bin Laden was'. Insanity.

Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPride View Post
One thing that has not been brought up in the media, as far as I can tell, is the cargo manifest, though someone mentioned it here previously. Was there anything in the cargo or on one of the passengers deemed important or dangerous? According to the book Gideon's Spies, the Israelis interdicted a passenger on a Russia to Germany flight for carrying plutonium on his person with the intention to sell it. Proliferation is a major issue that rarely makes the news - what was the outcome of the 2007 South Africa nuclear plant incident? This is just speculation (and to be clear, there's no relation between that event and this one) but I think there is certainly more to this incident than currently being acknowledged.

I think the plane could have been deliberately diverted, interdicted, or otherwise detained or downed by a government or someone acting a government's behalf.
The only information relating to the cargo is that it is non-hazardous in nature.

All we have beyond the currently released facts is speculation.

I am of the belief that the only place to land the aircraft on the northern arc is China, with the knowledge and cooperation of the Chinese government. Possibly a hijacking and seige being kept quiet until resolved.

Of course, I'm also of the belief that the focus on the northern arc was done simply because it'd be resolved faster. The southern arc will take a great deal more time and effort.