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Thread: Ukraine (closed; covers till August 2014)

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  1. #11
    Council Member mirhond's Avatar
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    Jan 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
    Speaking of stressing them, how about this, only half unserious.
    We offer a green card and $20,000 to any educated Russian woman who wants to come over here. The Euro Union nations can do a similar thing. We will win two ways. First we get some good people who want to make their lives better and the Russian demographic problem will be exacerbated. We could expand the program by offering the same thing to any Russian with say a doctorate or doctorate level experience in any of the hard sciences or engineering professions.
    Good idea from the first glance, but in the long run, when virtually all who are already considering to migrate, leave the country, Putin&Co will get society dominated with die-hard supporters. When they finally figure out that their cause is lost, the'll nuke you, and I'am only half unseriuos.

    @OUTLAW 09

    WHAT Burkat was killed? WHAT shop did the person purchase it in?
    (Berkut, not burkat, memorize it already). Hey, jumping to conclusions is your trait, not mine I just made a wild guess. Besides, there is no need to kill a man to get his stuff, just knock him down. Such gear is available in any sports shop, i think.

    mirhond---since you seem to think photos are evidence here is a link from the Crimea today that shows the same shin guards being wore by Russian military personnel that seem to be shown in the photo you used for neo Nazi's in the Ukraine. Also worn by the Burkat---so were they really Nazi's or really Russians or what the heck maybe Chinese?
    So now give me an argument that counters the shin guards being worn in both photos since you are into arguments and evidence.

    By the way mirhond the same photo proves the entire Russian government and Putin blatantly lied that there were NO Russian military in the Crimea--come on now mirhond DISPROVE this photo. Seems the civilian defense groups got a new set of uniforms did they not?
    1. Yes, they do wear the same gear - so where is the contradiction to what I wrote about fair booty or sports shop?

    2. Yes, entire Russian government and Putin blatantly lied, I'am not surprised, you know... You want me to state a blatant lie too? No, i'll not, KGB agent is always honest, he can not lie

    Your used the news article on the mistreatment of Ukrainian Jews---the alluding too is the point you were pushing
    Blah-blah-blah.. Where is the exact quotation?

    Did not see you condemn the neo Nazi observers for even being "invited" by what the "democratic" Crimea.
    Well, I've read it here, right from your post. And why I OUGHT to condemn them? They are few, I know nothing about their actual political beliefs, while Ukrainian Nazis are very verbal and loud with "Hung the Muscowite!" slogan.

    The old Russian saying that ranting/raving and filling pages just with words is not a writer.
    Nope, never heard this one in this particular wording - provide a link, please.

    All you are espousing is misinformation and a utter waste of time so either state what your concrete argument is or move on.
    No, I'am quite happy with exchanging $hitballs here, also a get some training in written English, so I don't consider it is a waste of time. I've already stated my arguments, but you are ignoring or twisting it, so I believe you just like to argue for the sake of argument. Well, it's an old and legitimate sport, and I rarely tire of it.
    Last edited by mirhond; 03-17-2014 at 07:05 PM.

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