Although Russians seem to think the sanctions will not hurt Interfax carried today nothing but economic PRs---there seems to be an apparent disconnect within their nationalism among the general public vs the business elites.

13:29 Russians do not fear Western sanctions - poll

15:30 Shuvalov: Russian gov't has plan of action in the event of strong economic decline

15:28 World Bank sees capital outflow from Russia at $85 bln this year, but $150 bln possible (Part 2)

15:24 World Bank: Russian bank sector sanitization welcome; Central Bank needs clear criteria

15:21 Bashneft minority shareholders offer buy-out at 26.4 bln rubles, company may buy up a third less

15:06 World Bank cuts Russian growth forecast, sees GDP decline in 'shock' scenario

15:04 No ban on buying foreign software, but cos should chose partners carefully – ministry

14:39 S&P downgrades Atomenergoprom 'BBB' rating outlook to 'negative'