Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
American Pride---all necessary if I heard his speech correctly due to the former President and his group of cronies that raped the Ukrainian economy to the tune of between 36 and 40B USD.
There is no doubt that Yanukoych was corrupt. But in the context of Ukrainian politics, that does not make him unique. Whatever his merits and transgressions, were his policies any worse than austerity? You express your outrage about his corruption and political practices - why is there no moral offense to austerity? But since Yatseniuk has already made his decision, the question really now is which political officials in the new Kiev government will survive the coming storm with their legitimacy and reputation intact. Yatseniuk has stated his belief that his political career will not last this episode; so that makes him a useful idiot for Washington since he can push whatever policies, no matter how radical or absurd, without regard for his own future. It makes me wonder what's in it for him. Firing Tenyukh from the Defense Ministry could be a blessing in disguise for Svoboda if this new government collapses under the weight of popular discontent due to the coming austerity measures since they will not be associated with the failure.