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Thread: Ukraine (closed; covers till August 2014)

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  1. #11
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Dayuhan---while you might argue that nationalism is just nationalism and there is really no difference as is argued by some historians/political science professors others might break nationalism into the following categories;

    1 Ethnic nationalism
    2 Civic nationalism
    3 Expansionist nationalism (imperialism)
    4 Romantic nationalism
    5 Cultural nationalism
    6 Post colonial nationalism
    7 Liberation nationalism
    8 Left-wing nationalism
    9 Liberal nationalism
    10 National conservatism
    11 Schools of anarchism which acknowledge nationalism
    12 Religious nationalism
    13 Pan-nationalism
    14 Diaspora nationalism

    Russian foreign policy as defined by the Putin Duma speech could in fact be a Doctrine of sorts meaning I will if I feel it necessary take over any territory that has any size of "mistreated Russians"---he defines in the Duma speech then Russians being based on ethnicity, language and culture or what Interfax recently called "genetic fund". Or if one uses the nationalism list above points 1,2 and 5.

    If one really analyzed Putin's speech you would see a tad bit if not a massive bit of what the Germans called prior to the Nazi's coming to power a movement in Germany called "Blut und Boden" (points 1, 4, and 5) which set the nationalism stage for the Nazi movement to succeed.

    Even Germans picked up on the "Blut und Boden" bits in his speech but we somehow missed them.

    I guess if you accept the list then my use of the term hegemonic nationalism equates with point 3 or expansionist/imperialist nationalism.

    Russian nationalism has taken multiple different interacting forms since the 18th century ---then expanded under the last few Czars and really expanded using the Red Army boots on the ground during WW2 in a "communist" expansion nationalism.

    If we look at this Interfax PR from today you will notice the subtle form of nationalism inside the PR using ethnicity, language and culture all specific forms of nationalism in a not to subtle expansionism threat as voiced by Putin in the Duma where he stated that he had the right to protect "mistreated Russian groups" regardless in what country.

    What is interesting is that one could use the Putin Doctrine to argue say in San Antonia Texas that the Mexican government needs to establish an armed presence in San Antonio to "defend the Spanish speaking people" from having to learn English in American schools. See just how dangerous this doctrine can be if it is allowed to become political reality anywhere in the world.

    There was released recently a list of over 365 hotspots in the world where one country could annex another's territory using the Putin Doctrine.

    MOSCOW. March 31 (Interfax) - The Russian Foreign Ministry is concerned by the Latvian authorities' plans for the teaching process to fully switch into the Latvian language as of 2018, and calls on the human rights agencies of the Council of Europe (CoE), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the European Union (EU) to exert due pressure on Riga in order to stop discrimination of its Russian-speaking population.
    "These education initiatives are another instance of the ongoing discriminatory policy of the Latvian authorities, aimed at the forced assimilation of the Russian-speaking population and the building of a mono-ethnic society in Latvia," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement posted on its website on Monday.
    "The letters call for due pressure to be exerted on the Latvian authorities with the aim to stop discrimination of the Russian-speaking population based on their ethnicity and language," the ministry said.
    Dolgov sent the letters to senior human rights officials in the CoE, the OSCE, and the EU, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

    So again Dyauhan just how one splits the coffee bean just means your banana might in fact be my apple depending on how one defines the specific piece of fruit one is looking at.

    While others might not even agree that it is a piece of fruit but that it is a flower or even a bird.

    Have never been one for defining things in a strict fashion as do many professors, historians, or even bloggers---have been more for attempting to define it based on the environment where it is occurring and how it is "seen".
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 03-31-2014 at 02:55 PM.

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