Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Soon, Buyers Will Use Gas as a Weapon
By Yulia Latynina
Apr. 01 2014 20:03
Last edited 20:04

Taken from The Moscow Times today:

Three weeks ago, just as Russia was in the early stages of annexing Crimea, I wrote in this space that the most strategic move the West could take against President Vladimir Putin would be to help lower world oil and gas prices. On Wednesday, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that Washington was prepared to supply gas to Europe in place of Russia.
People keep saying this, but the reality is that Washington isn't sending gas to anyone any time soon. There are no functioning LNG export terminals. One is due for completion in 2015 or 2016, another in 2018, but both have already committed mush of their output to long term contracts with Asian buyers.