The SyAAF's head-hunt is going on, and to (my) surprise, it hit the Jihadists most of all - at least in the last 24 hours.

- Muslim ash-Shishani (the 'Red Beard', ex-ISIS, lately Emir of the al-Muhajireen wa' al-Ansar Brigade JAN, top Chechen CO in Syria), should have been injured in northern Lattakiya Province, yesterday, and there are reports he's dead.

- Muhannad ash-Shishani (Deputy Emir of al-Muhajiren wa' al-Ansar Brigade JAN), KIA - supposedly in Aleppo (might be during the fighting for the disused SA-2 site in Ta'ana, SE of Sheikh Najjar IC).

- Ibrahim Ibn Shakaran (Moroccan in command of the Harakat Sham al-Islam Brigade JAN, ex-Guantanamo inmate), KIA in Lattakiya.

One of IF/Ahrar ash-Sham's brigade COs was KIA too: Abu Muhammed al-Maghribi, was KIA in al-Anfal.

Otherwise, it is confirmed that the NDF has captured the Hill 45, yesterday in late afternoon. They're now overlooking all the other peaks in the Kasab area.