Quote Originally Posted by Kiwigrunt View Post
How far 'out of control' does the govt need to get before a well armed militia storms the White House? Or in what way does the 'we need to be able to defend ourselves against our govt' crowd think that guns provide the solution to whatever wrongs they perceive the govt to be inflicting?
I doubt we will see armed militia's attacking the White House soon. From what I can tell, the automobile seems to be the weapon of choice for attacking the White House, but shooting incidents are on the uptick. It seems like the first was in 1975, then 1994, then they ramp up in the 1990 and the last decade, but I can be sure. I cannot find a comprehensive compilation of the attacks.

I do think that there has been a change in attitude. Voting and political action used to be a popular method for creating political change. Even riots and throwing rocks. Now it appears that guns are becoming an acceptable, if not patriotic, option.