mirhond---happy to see that you in your own translation scientifically agree that there is in fact Russian ethnic nationalism which Putin is riding right now.

Although your translation left a double meaning out on three occasions, but I would have left them out as well as they actually support the concept of Russian ethnic nationalism. If directly translated.

What is far more interesting is that Putin using Russian ethnic nationalism in his Duma speech actually setup a new form of a "communism messaging" appealing to others in the world to follow him in implementing his new Doctrine of ethnicity, language and culture is redoing the old territorial boundaries. That is why Putin is dangerous.

Russian people are backbone of the state just by the very fact of Russian state existence. Great mission of Russians is to unite civilization. As Dostoyevski said - unite Russian Armenians, Azeri, Germans, Tatats by the means of language, culture and ecumenic sympathy. Unite into such kind of civilization-state where is no ethnic person and “us-them” definition is based on shared culture and values.
Such civilizational identity rests on Russian culture as centerpiece, and Kulturtragers are not only ethnic Russians but anyone who has this identity regardless of ethnicity. This culture code in recent years had faced great challenges and hack attempts but preserved anyway. It need to be nourished and protected.