Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post

A scarier thought is that electoral democracy, as practiced in the United States, is no longer functioning. This is not the government of the founding fathers. They had a healthy distrust of both the common people and those in power. Originally, neither Senators nor the President were directly elected by the people. The checks on power of the President, like having to go to Congress to get permission to take the country to war, have been eroded in the name of expediency. But if that is the case, I am not hearing any arguments about what to replace the system with. The Libertarians want less government but not a different one. We seem to know what we don’t want more than we know what we want.
It is not about replacing it .........it is about following the law instead of ignoring it or manipuatng or subverting the law. When the lawmakers break the law then there is no law just a fight for survival.