Clearly neither China nor South Korea/US want more instability.

But... it is the enslaved people of North Korea who deserve freedom.

The welfare of the North Korean people should come first... not the concerns of the powers that created the problem in the first place.

Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
JMA asked:

The North Korean regime has survived partly due to external, now mainly Chinese support; historically the USSR provided some support and at the time of the Korean War 'Uncle Joe' was at the helm. Only after Gorbachev took power IIRC did Russia effectively turn away.

The real reason for survival has been the apparent strength of its military and ruthlessness. Plus the uncertainty over having WMD. South Korea has only been a powerful economy in the last thirty years, with democracy arriving late.

How will the world, let alone the neighbours, react to a regime change? Personally I don't think outsiders will have much impact. Anyone who emerges as the new leader is very unlikely to be different. Sadly.