Quote Originally Posted by Dayuhan View Post
Do you suggest that each individual has the right to take up arms against "the government" at any time the individual chooses and in response to whatever provocation that the individual sees as sufficient to justify it? Since taking up arms against "the government" would typically means taking up arms against against individuals perceived to be associated with the government, how does one balance such a proposed right against the rights of those one proposes to shoot?

Unless severely qualified, it sounds like a Timothy McVeigh argument.
I rarely use this form of text shorthand but...LOL.

I suggest just what I said, each man has the right to self defense. And an aggregate of men has the may exercise that right in concert "If the representatives of the people betray their constituents...".

Bad Dayuhan, bad. You are reverting to argument by suggestive questions again rather than just stating a position. Next thing you'll be using the word 'hysteria' again.

Mr. McVeigh made no arguments to my knowledge he just murdered. His name is very useful though to those who want to discredit. At least it is a change from 'hysterical'.