Quote Originally Posted by AmericanPride View Post
If it were as easy as "just [reading] the Preamble to the Constitution" we wouldn't be having these problems and debates. What is a "more perfect union"? What does it mean to "insure domestic tranquility" or to "promote the general welfare"? If you were to ascribe a grade, I would say that in comparison to most other governments, the American federal government scores pretty well in some areas but fairs poorly in others.

Establish Justice: B+
Ensure Domestic Tranquility: D+
Provide for the Common Defense: A+
Promote the General Welfare: D+
Secure the Blessings of Liberty: B+/-
No it is not easy but hear is my point. The Preamble provides the purpose for the following constitutional process too often we overlook the purpose, which provides the necessary judgment to make the tough choices we have and will have to make now and in the future. We become to focused on the process which was only created to serve the purpose(s) of our country.

IMO the whole purpose of the Federal Government was/is to create the greatest good for the greatest number NOT the chosen few as so often happens. There are no Gay,Afro,Latino,White,Women,Men,Green,Red,Blue Americans there are just Americans! hyphenated Americans should been sent to Gitmo! The source of all our problems and solutions lie in that sphere.