Quote Originally Posted by Slap
IMO the whole purpose of the Federal Government was/is to create the greatest good for the greatest number NOT the chosen few as so often happens.
In your opinion, who are the "chosen few"?

Quote Originally Posted by Slap
As for the American score card. The Government should be reorganized into the 6 Departments from the Preamble and that is the only 6 Departments we need.
I'm assuming State, Defense, Justice... what are the other 3 you propose to keep?

Quote Originally Posted by Slap
IMO we are flat out failing in our responsibility to secure the blessings of liberty for future generations. That flat out requires a longer term Vision and some type of long term Plan for the good of the country not just Republicans and/or Democrats. This something our elected officials are very poor at.
In what way are we "flat out failing in our responsibility to secure the blessings of liberty for future generations"? I don't disagree with you in principle but I suspect I disagree in substance.

Quote Originally Posted by Slap
And finally political parties should be made illegal, they are far to destructive as George Washington said they would be. (At Least I think it was him)
Quote Originally Posted by Stan
No more political campaigns without your own money. Can't afford it ? Too bad, let someone else run with his/her own cash.
Wouldn't outlawing political parties result violate the Constitutional protection for the right to peaceably assemble? Political parties have their problems, granted, but they are also instrumental in mobilizing voters and building coalitions on issues. They are also a hedge against the radicalization of politics. As for campaigning with your own money, that's a guaranteed way to ensure that only the wealthy will be elected. And the wealthy will represent only the interests of the wealthy. The best solution for maximizing citizen participation is to ban using any campaign financing other than that provided by the government.