Some news about the Russian budget

The government’s use of the sovereign funds would be separate from the 130 billion rubles allocated from the budget this year to raise state pensions and salaries in Crimea.

“Failing to observe the budget rules during stagnation is a strategic mistake,” Alexei Kudrin, a member of Putin’s economic council and a former finance minister, said by phone. “The government is tapping reserve funds instead of pursuing reforms. Augmenting the budget deficit at a time when we cannot borrow on the market is wrong.”
Russia was recently unable to sell it's bonds at it's conditions, as written earlier in this thread, the market is demanding a higher yield to compensate for the greatly increased risk. With considerably better offers it should be able to borrow on the market.

It is interesting to note that quite a few advocate against stimulating the weakening Russian economy, which seems to be heading towards a recession. The RCB is fighting a delaying action against the fall of the ruble with market interventions and the big interest raise and can hardly use the printing press to finance a defict if Putin wants one. With both the fiscal policy and the monetary seemingly tied up there is little support indeed available for the Russian economy.