In all the hype about Russian commandos stirring up trouble, the real point is missed: the new administration in Kiev has near zero legitimacy in Russian populated enclaves. Reading these threads gives the impression that every ethnic Russian in Ukraine is on Moscow's payroll and is armed to the teeth. The fact of the matter is that Russian agitation operations, no matter their extent, would be futile if there was not already popular sentiment in their favor. And while the new administration is struggling to shore up its legitimacy through light military operations, it's preparing for a campaign of economic shocks: slashing gas subsidies, terminating tens of thousands of state employees, and tax increases; all on conditions imposed by the IMF. Now despite all the institutional knowledge on this forum, I have not yet read one person question the political strategy of Kiev and its failure to build support among its population. As I've stated in previous posts, the Kiev government is not an innocent bystander or victim in this chain of events. It brought political instability upon itself, and it's not doing itself any favors by pushing through its economic program.