
Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
One of the things we have to realize is that with the utter irrrelevence (sic) of the EU and the uselessness of NATO the concept of those organizations or of "Europe" are meaningless now, or will be unless some backbones are grown lickity split. We are going to go back to individual countries and what they are going to do. That is what will matter. What is Poland going to do? What is Sweden going to do? We will have to think in those terms and act accordingly.
The EU and to some extent our Neutral Nations are all about equal rights and business. So sensitive a subject that courses include mandatory hours of training to recognize every aspect. If you have to apply that in a wartime scenario (we did), all of these strategies fly out the window.

Wasn't it US that mounted a purported Color Coup against the Ukrainian government ? Was it not US that invented a Nuclear Rogue State to support our whining ?

Seems we were doing something.

Poland is already supporting the situation and Sweden and Finland are stymied by constitutional referendums. To say that Sweden is simple standing by and watching the action is hilarious. Their military equipment and ordnance sales looks like a mad shopping spree at Kmart.... While the remainder of us try and keep up.

Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
If Vlad's adventure isn't contested the world is going to get very much more complicated and therefore very much more dangerous.
Agreed. But how ?
I recommend the African version of an overthrow of the thrown. But, we are civilized as someone told me herein on the 2nd amendment thread, and therefore can't do that.