Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post

As a devout Roman Catholic and a witness to the Rwandan Genocide, I not only think we learned a horrific lesson in humanity, we also learned that if we are going to react, it should have been fast, really fast. But, our system is anything but fast with Congress and Senate on vacations, etc.

Didn't that end with a military occupation of Ethiopia ? They would only later be defeated in Africa ? Why would the USA want to replay that in history on my dime ? Maybe I lost your point herein.

Agreed 100%, but should be done with every Tom, Dick and Harry. We should not be running with the ball alone.

Yep, it will take an enormous amount of time to get the EU and NATO in gear, ever fearful of another Iraq (they didn't agree with that and most still conclude the war as both illegal and illegitimate). In the meantime, the Ukrainians also need to attach some sort of responsibility to their actions instead of spouting words in the press that get Yankee blood boiling.

Our system is slow enough but slow doesn't have to mean stopped. We are stopped now and that is the fault of the chief executive. He is the one who drives the train to the greatest extent and if he don't say go, it won't.

Sorry I was unclear about my Abysinnia point. From what I read it was a gamble on the part of Mussolini. He knew he couldn't get there if the RN said no and he was not prepared to fight the RN in order to go. He bluffed the Brits, folded and his adventure was successful. That helped speed things along to WWII. If the Brits hadn't folded, who knows?

True enough others should be with us, but somebody has to lead the way. That phrase "Follow me." is a very powerful thing.

Very right the Ukrainians have to move, but I wonder how much of their restraint is at the behest of Washington? No great excuse that is of course but when uncle rich guy says be cool boy, be cool, it does have an effect. Hopefully it won't take them to long before they tell uncle rich guy to go stuff it and help or stay out of the way.