The Russians are comming ...

Apparently the Russian Constitution gives Russia the right to invade any country where a Russian citizen and sometimes not just citizens, just an ethnic Russian) is threatened. Not sure how that squares with international norms:

Meanwhile, Lavrov insists Russia is merely protecting its interests.

“If we are attacked, we would certainly respond,” he said.

“If our interests, our legitimate interests, the interests of Russians have been attacked directly, like they were in South Ossetia, for example, I do not see nay other way but to respond in full accordance with international law,” he said. ...

Georgian sources tell WND that Russia intends to take action similar to what it did in Crimea by annexing South Ossetia to the Russian Federation. It’s part of an overall Russian strategy to set up buffer zones against NATO encroachment to the Russian border.

Residents of South Ossetia are said to be in favor of annexation, since there is a large concentration of ethnic Russians there.

“Russian citizens being attacked is an attack against the Russian Federation,” Lavrov told Russia Today in an interview that is to be broadcast later Wednesday.

Lavrov denied that Russian troops are in Ukraine, although regional sources tell WND that the pro-Russian troops in uniforms without any markings are Russian Spetznaz, or special forces. The forces now have entered into eastern Ukraine, where ethnic Russians have been demonstrating to be annexed to Russia.

“The only thing I would like to highlight at this stage is that the Russian troops are on the Russian territory,” Lavrov said, without elaboration.

So, if a Russian is attacked say, in Miami, then Russia can invade and annex South Beach! Makes perfect sence to me.