Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Stan---here goes a history lesson from 1945 until 1994 --the US Army stationed the 2nd and 3rd Calvary Regts on a rotating basis on ground/air patrols along the interGerman border---theory was if the Soviet army charged across the border they would be engaged first by the Cav and then be rolled over by the Soviets allowing then the US leadership the excuse to go nuclear.

A sort of a speed bump/trip wire used in the decision making process by the national command authority---it was assumed that the Soviets knowing that when the speed bump/trip wire had been crossed--- the threat of mutual self destruction would bring them to their senses and or slow them down as they also knew small tactical ADMs were an option to the NCA and the NCA had ADM teams in place.

That was the theory---it was assumed that in reality the Soviets coming at full speed would have not really slowed down until they hit the Rhine river and it would have taken the NCA that long to figure out if they would go nuclear or not---at the same time the NCA would have released the ADM teams to implement previously pre-planned targeting against selected Soviet/GDR targets in order to gain more time .

That was the trip wire theory.

Currently the messaging to Putin is we are serious enough to back up NATO Article 5 if you attack one of the countries we have troops stationed in we will respond-response action not explained-a type of trip wire concept for the Baltics, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, and Bulgaria who are protected under NATO Article 5. It has been the Baltics and Poland demanding the trip wire as they do not believe NATO will and or could defend them and feel threatened by Russia actions towards the Ukraine and their military buildup.

That though does not apply to the Ukraine thus the verbal talk, diplomacy, and physical appearance of US leaders in Kiev tied to economic and non military support as well as possible intel exchanges and other items.

The serious side is does Putin care about the theory as he views the West and in particular the US to be weak and not in a position to respond military which by the way NATO/EU/US have all said they will not use force so actually Putin was right in his assumption---this reinforces in Putin's mind the responses he saw during Georgia and Moldavia.

What is interesting is a recent article indicating that Russia floated a month ago a plan to Poland and other former east block countries surrounding the Ukraine the division of the areas other than eastern and southern Ukraine---ie giving the Poles for example their old areas taken from them by Russia in 1939. By the way---can fish out the Russian Duma official that first floated (at the same time as Crimea was ongoing) that concept if needed as many in the West thought it was a crazy idea---maybe not so crazy if Poland is confirming it now.


That is how the speed bump/trip wire concept as it is tied to the thread and that is the messaging being sent with a single rotating BN---or do you disagree?

Does that explain it closely enough. Google might have it in more detail.

Not bad memory recall for someone with four wars (VN, Desert Strom, Iraq, AFG) worth of experience and a deep SF UW background in Europe and having not been physically on the interGerman border since 1986.
History is a little flawed--trip wire went by the board well before 1994and started in the 50s. Your cav regiment IDs are also only half right--but that is not really important. In fact for much of the 70s and 80s, trip wire was not used as you describe. USAREUR/EUCOM believed they could win a conventional war and the cav regiments were to play a significant part in the active defense, being far from just a speed bump or trip wire. But that is not really germane to the current deployments of the 173rd Airborne units out of Italy.

Having elements of a Bn of the 173rd in the Baltic countries and Poland do not make the Article 5 violation any more urgent. A Russian invasion of any of the 4 countries could trigger a NATO response regardless of the presence of 150 US paratroopers. I would submit that the 173rd is getting to travel for another reason-- probably political and possibly tied to the US defense budget and Army impending downsizing--not the Ukraine.