While I have said elsewhere that I disagree with the basic premise that we “lost” Iraq or Afghanistan because of our officer’s educational or personnel systems, I do believe that any system must change with the times. The Army officer’s education and personnel system is behind the times.

1. We have not recognized the changing social structures and how those changes affect both the initiation and conduct of conflict. Gone are the days where we can eradicate a population as a solution to an insurgency, yet we still study military doctrine from that period. We are quick to recognize how technology will change war, we are slow to understand how social events are changing war even as we speak. Just look at the Ukraine. Putin can get what he wants without ever putting a tank on the battlefield by manipulating the population and using “self determination” as a first strike weapon. It can’t work everywhere, but it can work in some places. Our response - more tanks on the battlefield! Clearly we don't appreciate what is happening.

2. Our officer personnel system does not allow for expertise to be retained where we need it. Everyone is on a command track. We need technician who understand systems, both technical and human. Our current system does not allow for that. They all don’t need to be LTCs, but they need to receive pay commiserate with their worth.

That is enough for now.