Google translate from a book about Russian nationalists.

The most intensive training militants conducted in the spring - summer 1993. In Moscow suburban bases of RNE experts from GRU , MVD and FSB conducted training barkashovskih militants with an emphasis on fighting in urban enivronment and subversive activities . They practiced assaults of buildings and usage of explosives.
Not only naziz capital , but also the " fighters" from province. For example, in September 1993, a such training was held for korup form Krasnoyarsk , where was located second bigges organisation of RNE.
The abundance of representatives from security services in training suggests supporting the Nazis someone from the country's leadership . Barkashovites prepared to revolt . "Even in the spring of '93 RNE preparing for the fall events. Our bases actively trained stormtroopers , developed plans for various operations , "- said later the then head of the Security Service Alexander Denisov RNE .
Barkashov himself in April confidently stated that by autumn the situation in the country escalated dramatically , with the RNE in the protracted confrontation between the president and members of parliament to support the latter, " if need be, physically."