Since you all have lost any connection with the original intent of the thread, I will throw this out:
Let women fight on the front line: Defence Secretary tells Army to end macho image

Tory Cabinet Minister reveals plan for women to be given combat roles
Review was due in 2018 but will be brought forward to this year
Chief of the General Staff will report to Hammond by end of year
Hammond says current ban sends bad signal Army not 'open to women'
Says 'macho image' of the Army is wrong. Claims reality 'very different'

By Daniel Martin and Ian Drury

Published: 09:56 EST, 8 May 2014 | Updated: 19:01 EST, 8 May 2014




Women soldiers could be allowed into frontline combat roles, it was announced yesterday.

Signalling the historic change, Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said it was time for the Armed Forces to abandon the ‘macho’ image and show they were open to everyone who was fit enough.

He said the US, Canadian and Australian armies allowed women to serve in combat roles – and so should Britain.

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