Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
What is the solution to Russia question? Russia under Putin has grabbed land from neighbouring country, has been fooling under insane propaganda screen his own people, his neighbours, European Union, whole world. Business as usual?
Sooner or later Russia must be emasculated - like with Germany after 1945 - otherwise this expansionism will not stop.

The fuel for this dream of reinstating the Russian/Soviet Empire is the oil/gas driven economy. To control the Russians this must be targeted.

There are a number of measures that need to be taken to to reign in the Russians... but the US has effectively run out of steam to the point of self imposed impotence. The Germans - true to their national character - will not suffer any economic discomfort in order to save small nations from falling under the Russian jack-boot.

There is real doubt that NATO without the US drive and enthusiasm - seen during the COld War era - will even act when a member state is moved against by Russia.