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Thread: Russian Info, Cyber and Disinformation (Catch all till 2017)

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  1. #1
    Council Member mirhond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaur View Post
    There was zero arguments in your post.

    Just tell us with couple words what was the "golden age lost by sins of fathers"! How many times should I say "Please!"
    1. I don't understand what are you talking about: ribbon, Nashi, Russian collective unconsciousness, pseudo-patriotic BS in media? I'd explain anything you want to know, but not in this thread.
    2. Even Owtlaw spopped harassing me with offtopic question I'am not going to answer here, so you'd better stop too
    Last edited by mirhond; 05-12-2014 at 12:40 PM.
    Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirhond View Post
    1. I don't understand what are you talking about: ribbon, Nashi, Russian collective unconsciousness, pseudo-patriotic BS in media? I'd explain anything you want to know, but not in this thread.
    2. Even Owtlaw spopped harassing me with offtopic question I'am not going to answer here, so you'd better stop too

    2. Even Owtlaw spopped harassing me with offtopic question I'am not going to answer here, so you'd better stop too

    mirhond---Outlaw did not stop---have been quietly watching your activities here on this board with interest and tracking you as well on several other US/UK boards.

    You absolutely do in fact work for the FSB and get paid for your entries which often make no sense, your English spelling is poor to really sometimes very bad---then when directly challenged you get angry and suddenly the language abilities get far better and you never answered any of my "off topic" questions and you do the same thing on the other boards.

    When you were identified it was nice that you continued as it has made a great study on mis/dis information activities being currently run by the FSB/GRU.

    mirhond --Keep the comments coming as it adds to the study and gives one a better understanding of your handlers.

    You really have a big problem when you are directly challenged on your own beliefs and you really have a problem in not understanding your own Russian history although you claim to be a "Russian".

    A number of your answers would indicate though that you are in fact a "Russian fascist" just as is Putin but at least Putin admits to having been a KGB COL in Dresden.

    2. Does Russia Have a Fascist Tradition?
    3. Nationalists, Communists, Orthodox Christians, and Neo-Pagans
    4. Cossacks, Skinheads, and Soccer Fans
    5. Zhirinovsky and the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
    6. Barkashov and the Russian National Unity

    Appendix: The RNU Oath and Code of Honor
    7. Dugin, Limonov, and the National-Bolshevik Party
    8. Other Fascist Organizations
    9. Comparative Overview of Fascist Organizations
    Conclusion. Weimar Russia?

    In his 1997 article “Fascism – Borderless and Red”, Dugin exclaimed the arrival of a “genuine, true, radically revolutionary and consistent, fascist fascism” in Russia. He believes that it was "by no means the racist and chauvinist aspects of National Socialism that determined the nature of its ideology. The excesses of this ideology in Germany are a matter exclusively of the Germans, ...while Russian fascism is a combination of natural national conservatism with a passionate desire for true changes."[10] "Waffen-SS and especially the scientific sector of this organization, Ahnenerbe," was "an intellectual oasis in the framework of the National Socialist regime", according to him.[10]

    So come on mirhond---you still have not answered the question is Putin a "good" or "bad" Hitler or for that matter are you a "good or bad Russian fascist"?
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 05-13-2014 at 08:12 PM.

  3. #3
    Council Member mirhond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post

    3. Nationalists, Communists, Orthodox Christians, and Neo-Pagans
    4. Cossacks, Skinheads, and Soccer Fans
    5. Zhirinovsky and the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
    6. Barkashov and the Russian National Unity

    Appendix: The RNU Oath and Code of Honor
    7. Dugin, Limonov, and the National-Bolshevik Party
    8. Other Fascist Organizations
    9. Comparative Overview of Fascist Organizations
    Conclusion. Weimar Russia?
    Close call, but no. Mussolini-style Russia. If you ever read Umberto Eco's essay "Eternal Fascism" (I doubt it) you'd rather came to this conclusion. Current Russian official ideology is very eclectic but it also misses several important traits to be considered Fascism.
    Jonah Goldberg in his "Liberal Fascism" wrote that Mussolini had very simple political program - seize power and stay in power as long as possible. From this point of view you may call current Russian political elite facsists - but all the nuts you've mentioned in above list (which itself begs a question "What a heck it is? What Communists have in common with Orthodox?) are just powerless political clowns.

    *offtop is off*

    Now back to Ukraine: from time to time I explore the site of Svoboda party - an endless source of nazi-like sentiments and self-convicting documents, couple of it I cited before.
    Enjoy recently founded pearl from the one of the Svoboda leaders:

    Новітніх українських націоналістів з їхніми славними попередниками єднають не стільки конкретизовані організаційні форми і методи боротьби, скільки мета – могутня незалежна Українська держава. Саме через призму цієї мети (а не методів дії) допустимо вибудовувати історичні аналогії й теоретично моделювати поведінку Степана Бандери при вирішенні нинішніх суспільно-політичних проблем. Безсумнівно одне – вона базувалася б на поширеному серед націоналістів того покоління й перефразованому до сучасних державницьких обставин правилі: "Добре все те, що посилює твою Державу, шкідливе все те, що шкодить їй". Головне в дотриманні цього правила – витримати у своїх діях ту тонку грань, яка розділяє Добро і Шкоду, що їх отримає від твоїх дій твоя Держава.
    New Ukrainean nationalists have the same goal as their glorious predecessors had - powerful and independent state. ... No doubt they all follow the one rule - "Everything which empowers your State is good, everything which weakens it is bad"...

    Old pals Benito and Gustavo may rest in peace - their cause in the good hands.
    Last edited by mirhond; 05-14-2014 at 01:40 PM.
    Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirhond View Post
    offtop is on

    Wow, you happened to know a lot about me, why do you still bother asking me directly?
    1. I don't use Tor or anonymizers, I use Firefox, if you were real IT specialist you'd find it out in no time, along with my IP, but you are not, so your wild guess is OK.
    2. You have no supernatural power to make me answer, do you even realise it?
    3. Please, have a little common courtesy and create a topic I suggested before, you know I can't resist answering your offtopic ravings with loads of offtopic from myself.
    mirhond---thanks for confirming the so called use of "Firefox" which is not true as is much of what you think you are intelligently writing.

    By the way an IP address does not reflect browser use-and as you know IP addresses are passé these days in the world of cyber security since you fully understand the Dark Side of the internet--- they mean absolutely nothing to us as it is the hops you have taken and from where you started that is highly interesting--and by the way your IP address constantly changes each time you come onto the other commercial Western media boards which reflects definitely Tor usage.

    But since you are not using Tor which you claim you are not then you might want to "look" at updating your "Firefox" as the IP address is indicating changes with every logon at those sites --- but again you know yourself you are on Tor so I do not need to tell you that.

    Keep responding as it only adds to the depth that we have on you and the other four and will go into a interesting article we are putting together on Russian dis/misinformation techniques and how they are used with Western media based on five selected western commercial media sites.

    By the way I noticed you did not deny you were on other sites as well--it is those sites that interest us the most as you seem to be working with four distinct other individuals who definitely are using Tor on those sites.

    The amount of your responses here on what you have written in the last several weeks reflects a sad state of understanding even the country you claim to be from as I noticed many of your comments/photos actually could have come out of the fascist corner of six "nationalist" Russia websites. Actually several of your past photos come from one specific Russian "nationalist" website---it actually helped us link you to those sites.

    Thanks again for the response ---you have my comments so there is no further need to respond to you.

    As we are actually as I said far more interested in your responses on the five other commercial media sites where you seem to have improved both your English, writing style, and are heavily proRussian separatist/heavily supportive of Putin in your comments.

    If this thread is still up when we publish the article in about four weeks---will let you know the source of the article so you can check out the results and pass it on to the other four writers and your handlers. It is not every day one gets a chance to have a professional rating of your writing/computer skill sets provided for free.

    Enjoy Tor as you seem to not fully understand both the power of it and it's inherent weaknesses especially when navigating the internet dark web.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 05-14-2014 at 01:57 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
    Dynamic IP addresses are standard in Germany and some other countries. Almost everyone here has a dynamic IP address unless one wants to run a private server.

    I am also allowed to use a proxy service of an institution nearby in order to access what they have a license to access - and that's no Tor at all.

    "definitely" was an exaggeration.
    Then you definitely do not understand how one can even track a dynamic IP to it's originating server as all servers using DHCP have a range assigned to each server which can is often changed depending on what the administrator wants to use from his capacity and one wonders just how easy the NSA has it these days.

    So if you used your institute next door one can identify first then the server/switch/router and from there it is a simple step to you. And then from DHCP range to the next DHCP server range and on and on---simple it is---what is hard is to grasp just how easy it is which your comment reflects. Once one has the server then it is easy to build the subnets, switches and routers that the server is tied to down to the single end user---come on why do cyber techs get paid so much or at least mine cost that much?

    Guessing as well from you comment that you have not been issued a VPN logon in order to connect to the world and I doubt seriously if the institute server is running on a VPN based on your comments so in fact you "see" the internet and it "sees" you.

    Once one has the server the world is open to anyone.

    And you fully and definitely do not understand then how Tor works as you would have not made the mention of DHCP which Tor negates with each hop it takes---THIS is what I was referring to---yes we knew the servers being used and their DHCP ranges during the backtrack and none of the IP addresses matched the ranges under that particular server which we by the way double checked with the server owner every step of the backtrack who were also interested in the use of Tor against their servers---THAT is the indicator of a hacker underway using Tor ---but why do I mention it when everyone one on the thread is a IP specialist.

    Stan --you all have been led around by the nose by a very efficient FSB paid hack and one does not care and you took the time to even engage---and how much of a bio does the individual have on everyone using this thread as well as emails addresses which is a great first step?

    And you are from what ---the intel world as one should always understand a tidbit leads to another?

    For those that find there is no intel just keep a running check daily on this site and hold on to your credit cards.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 05-15-2014 at 06:41 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Blair View Post
    Excellent suggestion, Stan.
    And so what has one learned from the over 1500 inputs;

    1. the Ukraine and Russia exists as countries
    2. there are problems between the two
    3. no one can say here what the Russians are up to

    Actually kaur has provided some of the best input to three points above but almost no one outside of mirhond seemed to get it that is why mirhond was trying to drive him off the thread if one paid attention to a couple of mirhonds kaur focused comments but which no one seemed to be interested in.

    Yes you are right the thread is just a repeat of ongoing news and that is even late---again kaur has it right but again no one picked up on it---especially the nationalist fascism.

    Hate to say it---one can get far more running info than this thread if one uses Interfax and kyivpost as I have seen really not a single detailed analysis of anything outside of comments from firn and kaur.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 05-15-2014 at 06:40 AM.

  7. #7
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    Stan---let's check the veracity of your previous comments;

    1. What was mirhond's response to the single word Tor---go back and check the response and in my current world not many on this thread would even recognize the logo that is displayed on the lap top that Snowdon carries with him nor would many if not most on this thread know that there are a few other such tools not widely available to the common man that sit behind Tor---but mirhond knew as he gave the generic IT name for them which by the way is not commonly used outside of some circles.

    Secondly, Tor if truly secure uses PGP between end users in the background---something that mirhond should have pushed back on because PGP cannot work when blogging --he did what--- he shoved Firefox to the forefront-a sidestep answer as he always does.

    2. You complain that the thread does not contribute---here is another question-- What phase of the Russian New-Generation Warfare is mirhond supporting and how does it tie into the current political warfare being carried out by Russia against the Ukraine and for that matter eventually against Estonia and the rest of the Baltics if Russia decides to stay under the NATO Article Five definition for action threshold? Did notice that Estonia is trying to quickly make some changes for their Russian minorities in the last week or so to avoid the effects of the New-Generation Warfare.

    3. By the way the "bearded Cossack" that some enjoyed here as clearly identified by kaur was involved (seen leading the RPG attacks) in the recent ambush of the Ukrainian airborne convoy with the 8 KIAs.

    But again all indicators not firm but you know indicators.

    So again comments about IT/mirhond might need to be rethought if you really read the eight phases of the Russian New-Generation Warfare doctrine which is now playing out in the Ukraine but again that might not be an appropriate topic for this thread your and other commenters comments as it seemed to have been missed by this thread but not by the Lativan Security Council which published the document.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 05-15-2014 at 09:53 AM.

  8. #8
    Council Member Dayuhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    You absolutely do in fact work for the FSB and get paid for your entries which often make no sense, your English spelling is poor to really sometimes very bad---then when directly challenged you get angry and suddenly the language abilities get far better and you never answered any of my "off topic" questions and you do the same thing on the other boards.
    If this is actually the case, it raises an interesting point about what we call "info ops". No matter how sophisticated the technology and how widespread the network, the effectiveness of the effort ultimately comes down to the quality, not the quantity: if the people behind the computers are inept and the arguments crude and unpersuasive, the effort will be counterproductive.

    Anyone who's vaguely familiar with social media marketing knows that masses of "likes" and supporting comments don't necessarily mean you're selling the product.

    Just based on observation, the Russian mantras are certainly being spread out there, but I doubt that they are gaining much traction outside those already converted to the cause. There will be some support from the reflexive anti-West crowd and from a few trogdolytes who are inspired by Putin's homophobia and cardboard "he-man" stereotype persona... but are they really selling the product to anyone who hasn't already bought it?

    If mirhond is FSB - and I have no way of knowing who's a paid provocateur and who's an ideologue with a computer and too much time to kill - that could tell us something. Maybe SWC's limited readership only rates the C team, but if that's an indication of the quality they come up with, it's hard to see much of a threat there.
    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary”

    H.L. Mencken

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