Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Sooner or later Russia must be emasculated - like with Germany after 1945 - otherwise this expansionism will not stop.
The expansionism will stop when/if the perceived cost and risk to the leadership clique exceeds the perceived potential gain to the leadership clique. (I don't think the people calling the shots are too concerned with the cost/benefit equation for "Russia" generically, only for themselves.) I see no particular reason why that would require the emasculation of Russia. As Fuchs has pointed out, the strategy so far seems to focus on the gathering of low hanging fruit, though in the case of Crimea the fruit was already on the ground and needed only to be picked up. I see little reason to interpret that as a conquering juggernaut that can only be stopped by emasculation, unless of course you really want to. Trying to raise the fruit a bit might be easier and less risky than trying to emasculate the scavenger.

Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
The fuel for this dream of reinstating the Russian/Soviet Empire is the oil/gas driven economy. To control the Russians this must be targeted.
Very bold, but how do you propose to do that?