Quote Originally Posted by mirhond View Post
1. Look, it's a free board, create a topic "Russian political psyche: history and modernity" - I'd gladly enlighten enyone who will listen about the subject.

2. first link you provided is complete BS - Navalniy has no even a smallest idea what he is talking about. Fun is that second link explains why so. (If you dont get it, I'd explain it in a suggested topic)

ps. Your choice of bloggers explains wery much of you
mirhond---and your great reluctance to admit openly that you work for the FSB explains a lot about yourself---by the way just how many "Russian fascists" have been sent to the Ukraine in order to "fight the Ukrainian fascists" who Putin complains about them "burning" Russians.

Although from the videos being shown on the Odessa fire---several fires were started in the upper floors where the "Ukrainian fascists" were no where to be seen. How do you explain that and do not state it is off topic.

Or do you for some strange reason want to state here on this board that there are no "fascists" to be found anywhere in the Russian Federation?

Or is that "off topic".