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Thread: Ukraine (closed; covers till August 2014)

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  1. #1
    Council Member davidbfpo's Avatar
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    Default Moderator's intentions

    Two of the Moderators have looked at this thread and I give notice that the posts regarding information operations, especially between Mirhond and Outlaw09, will be moved to a new thread. If there is time the more direct personal exchange will be edited and so enable the thread to appear in the Media, Information & Cyber Warriors arena.

    Clearly info ops are part of the events in Ukraine.

    Update: I have given up. It is impossible to seperate out the posts, they are spread over a month amidst four hundred posts.

    First, instead I have opted to remove a small number of recent posts - which are rather sharp in tone - between a very small number of members. Or superfluous to the discussion over the Ukraine / Crimea.

    Secondly, if anyone wishes to post on the info ops aspect from now, post them on this thread: the title refers to Russian cyber ops, but on review is about info ops.
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 05-17-2014 at 10:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Council Member mirhond's Avatar
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    LifeNews ENG crew captured by Ukrainian "silovikian orcs" (thanks to carl for such colorful definition)

    Fun starts at 00:36 - crew brought MANPAD along with cameras, press bages and other stuff. If there was a "Most lame Propaganda" Award - this video would probably got it.
    Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.

  3. #3
    Council Member
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    mirhond, is this better?

    iselyov Defends TV Network After Caucasus Footage Labeled as Ukraine

    (Moscow Times – – Anna Dolgov – May 20, 2014) The deputy chief of a pro-Kremlin television holding has dismissed as an “accidental error” his network’s use of footage from a gunfight in the North Caucasus to illustrate supposed recent anti-Russian violence in eastern Ukraine, a news report said.

    The footage – first used in a Rossiya television report in 2012 about a clash between government troops and militants in the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria – resurfaced again on the network’s prime-time Vesti program last week, this time as part of a report about supposed atrocities against pro-Russian civilians in Ukr aine.

  4. #4
    Council Member carl's Avatar
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    The Eurasia Daily Monitor of The Jamestown Foundation reported today that in addition to those steelworkers, wealthy Ukrainian businessmen in the east are bankrolling the formation of armed units that are then put sort of under the control of the Kiev gov to oppose the silovikian orcs.

    Vlad must be very upset that locals are acting on their own hook. To me one important thing about this is it might be an indicator of the possibility of Ukrainian insurgent forces forming to oppose Russian forces if they roll across the border since forces are already forming to oppose the orcs. If that happened Vlad might have a tar baby on his hands dwarfing the North Caucusas. I wonder if his rule could survive that.
    "We fight, get beat, rise, and fight again." Gen. Nathanael Greene

  5. #5
    Council Member
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    During last week, there has been a lot of talk about Donbass rebels' leader Girkin/Strelkov. Hackers broke his email and some guys have written articles. If you are intersted about his life curve, then Google Translate this Like already previously said, he served in FSB from 1996- autumn 2013. He retired in the rank of colonel in anti-terrorist unit. From 2000-2005 he served in Chechnya.

    Та же самая информация содержится на открытом военно-историческом форуме. Срочная служба в 1993-1994 годах – Московский округ ПВО, Одинцовский район, стрелок роты охраны. Не помпезно, но честно. Следующее место службы по контракту в феврале-декабре 1995 года — 166-я гвардейская мотострелковая бригада. Во время службы Гиркина воевала в пригородах Грозного — на Новых Промыслах и в Черноречье, несла потери. С марта по октябрь — Гиркин, по его словам, командир орудия в 67-м ОГСАД, то есть отдельном гаубичном артиллерийском дивизионе. На этом служба в частях Минобороны заканчивается, последующая биография описывается скупыми номерами воинских частей: с августа 1996 по июль 2000 года – в/ч 31763, с июля 2000 года по апрель 2005 года – в/ч 78576, с апреля 2005 года до февраля 2013 – в/ч 36391.
    Если часть с номером 31763 нигде не засветилась, то в/ч 78576, что в городе Грозном, — это управление ФСБ по Чеченской республике, а в/ч 36391 расположена в Москве, на улице Большая Лубянка, дом 12. По мнению некоторых знатоков — это управление по борьбе с международным терроризмом, что в письмах подтверждал и сам Стрелков – «действующий старший офицер», «служу в антитерроре».

  6. #6
    Council Member davidbfpo's Avatar
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    Default Moderator's Note

    A new thread was requested to cover the position of the Russian economy and its international transactions. So a large number of posts (101 in fact) have been removed from this thread to The Russain economy (catch all):

    Wheerever possible posts relating to the economic aspects of contemporary Ukraine have remaiend in place.

    Given recent events and some light moderation there are now a number of seperate threads on Russia covering politics, cyber & info ops, the military, terrorism, politics & power, the Russian pysche and more. Some threads on Russia are not in the Europe arena notably watching fleet movements.

  7. #7
    Council Member davidbfpo's Avatar
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    Bloodshed at Ukrainian checkpoint:
    Three days before Ukraine holds a presidential vote, pro-Russia insurgents attacked a military checkpoint Thursday in eastern Ukraine, killing at least 11 troops and wounding at least 33 others in the deadliest raid yet in weeks of fighting.

    Three charred Ukrainian armored infantry vehicles, their turrets blown away, and several burned trucks were seen at the site in the Donetsk region. A military helicopter landed, carrying officials who inspected the area.

    Residents said attackers used an armored bank truck, which the unsuspecting Ukrainian soldiers waved through, and then mowed them down at point-blank range. Their account couldn't be independently confirmed.

    In the town of Horlivka, a masked rebel commander claimed responsibility for the raid and showed an array of seized Ukrainian weapons.

    Some footage: and allegations about armed helicopters being used:
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 05-22-2014 at 04:22 PM.

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