Alexander Dugin has been more popular talking head during Putin's last term. In Ukraine theater he is also involved. So called "Donetsk republic" embassy was located in his youth movement office in Moscow. His team started cooperation with Donetsk republik cadre some good time ago. SBU intercepted his call to Republics activist's, who was under arrest, wife. I don't count all the TV shows where Dugin was present.

In 1991-1992, Dugin wrote his programmatic article “The Great War of the Continents,” in which he claimed that the representatives of this order could be found in the Abwehr, the Third Reich's counter-intelligence service, and especially in the Sicherheitsdienst, the security service of the SS. Dugin called its chief Reinhard Heydrich (1904-1942, an organizer of the Holocaust) a “convinced Eurasianist,” who, allegedly, fell victim to an intrigue by the “Atlanticists.”
Recently, Dugin has adapted his own rhetoric to mainstream Russian discourse and now often presents himself as a “radical centrist” or even ardent “anti-fascist.” One might add though that, as late as 2006, he praised in public the German ultra-nationalist brothers Otto and Gregor Strasser who had helped Hitler build up the NSDAP in the 1920s (before they left the Nazi party because of a personal conflict with the Führer, in the early 1930s). In March 2008, Dugin's website confirmed “Dugin's sympathies for the Strasser [brothers].”