Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
This is pot-kettle-black stuff... which I would consider an insult to the intelligence if I were an Arab.

However, he is correct in this respect:

“The failure of the West to impose a leadership after these operations is causing chaos and that is what we are seeing today across a number of different countries around the world,” Shoygu told the audience.
He's absolutely incorrect in that respect, on two grounds:

First, none of the cases cited are in any way American "operations".

Second, the idea that the US has the capacity or the responsibility to "impose a leadership" in any other country, or that any such effort would serve the interests of the US or the country in question, is really pretty absurd, an absurdity compounded by the certainty that any American attempt to "impose a leadership" in any of these countries would be greeted by the Russians with an absolute howl of protest.

The whole statement looks to be propaganda, and is unlikely to convince anyone who isn't already reflexively anti-American.